Embracing Creativity in the Workplace

Unleashing the power of creative thinking and fearless experimentation

a group of professionals brainstorming (image created via Midjourney)

Creative confidence is a powerful combination of innate ability and the courage to act on it. Unfortunately, as we grow older, this natural creativity is often stifled by societal expectations and fear of failure. However, in the fast-paced world of the tech industry, where innovation is highly valued, it is crucial for leaders to inspire creative confidence in their teams. Research has shown that only 25% of adults feel truly creative and are able to live up to their potential at work. So, how can leaders unlock the creative potential of the remaining 75%?

Every child is an artist, the problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.

Pablo Picasso

Leaders in a company play a role similar to that of parents, while employees are like children. Just as parents create a nurturing environment for their children to explore and experiment, leaders must create a psychological space where team members feel comfortable voicing their opinions and building upon each other's ideas. This requires fostering an atmosphere of open communication, where team members are encouraged to take risks and learn from failure.

Just like training pets or educating young children, positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for fostering desired behaviors. If you want ideas to flow freely, recognize and appreciate whoever brings up new ideas, even if they initially seem unconventional or silly. In the ideation phase of design thinking, there is a strategy called "The worst possible ideas," where team members propose the most outrageous ideas and then reverse them to find potential solutions or learn from the mistakes to be avoided. When an idea fails during implementation, it is essential to adopt a growth mindset instead of blaming the person who came up with it. Express gratitude for the valuable lessons learned and encourage team members to keep experimenting.

Parents are fallible, and they make mistakes. Similarly, leaders in the workplace must acknowledge their own fallibility and be willing to reflect, let go of their ego, and apologize when necessary. In fact, team members may possess unique experiences and perspectives that leaders have not yet encountered. Therefore, leaders must be humble and open to learning from their subordinates. By positioning themselves as learners in addition to facilitators, leaders can create a culture of trust and psychological safety within their teams.

In the pursuit of creative confidence, it is vital to recognize the individual strengths and talents that each team member brings to the table. Some team members may be more introverted and may require alternative forms of communication or materials to express their ideas effectively. It is the leader's responsibility to ensure that all voices are heard and that every team member feels valued and included.

To inspire creative confidence, leaders must also be role models for their teams. By demonstrating their own creative thinking and embracing a growth mindset, leaders set the tone for the entire organization. When leaders show a willingness to take risks, learn from failures, and continuously improve, they inspire their teams to do the same.

If you are a leader, take a moment to reflect on your own approach to creativity and innovation. Are you fostering an environment of creative confidence in your team? Consider how you can incorporate the principles discussed above to inspire and empower your team members. Embrace a growth mindset, encourage experimentation, and recognize the value of every idea, no matter how unconventional it may initially seem. By doing so, you can unlock the creative potential within yourself and your team, leading to greater innovation and success.

Around the web

This week, I would like to introduce a web tool that help me as a designer to quickly generate mockup image to post on social media. Image like this.

Just one click of chrome extension and you are ready to share. And it’s free!

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That’s all for this week!

I am MengChi writing from my shipping container.


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