Cognitive Dissonance

By reflecting on our values and behaviors, we can become more mindful and make conscious choices that align with our values, leading to greater inner peace and emotional wellbeing.

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Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term that describes the discomfort we feel when our actions do not align with our values. This dissonance creates internal conflict and negative emotions, such as guilt and shame.

On the other hand, when our values and actions align, we experience a sense of integrity, leading to positive emotions and a sense of inner peace.

Resolving cognitive dissonance is essential for our mental and emotional wellbeing. Here are three ways to bridge the gap between our actions and values and bring integrity into our lives:

1/ Change your actions to align with your values

If you value honesty, for example, speak only the truth, even if it is difficult. This approach requires honesty with yourself and an acknowledgment of the misalignment between your actions and values.

By consciously making changes in your behavior, you can bring your actions into alignment with your values.

2/ Change your values to align with your actions

In some cases, you may find that you value something else more than your stated values. For example, you might value the purpose more than the truth, so you may decide that it is acceptable to leave out some details that won't harm others' morale.

This approach requires a reassessment of your values and an acknowledgment of what is most important to you.

3/ Justification

Another way to resolve cognitive dissonance is through justification, where we rationalize our behavior with excuses or blame. For example, you may justify leaving out certain details by telling yourself that you are not lying or that it takes too much time to explain.

This approach may provide temporary relief, but it can lead to long-term suffering and regret. Ultimately, it is better to face the misalignment and work towards aligning your actions with your values.

To bring more integrity into your life, it is important to regularly reflect on your values and actions. Take time for introspection and ask yourself if you are being the person you want to be.

  • Are your actions aligned with your values?

  • What changes can you make to bring more integrity into your life? 

By being mindful of the gap between your actions and values, you can close the gap and become a better person each day.

In short, cognitive dissonance is a natural part of life, and resolving it is essential for our mental and emotional wellbeing. By being honest with ourselves, reassessing our values, and taking conscious action to align our behavior, we can bridge the gap between our actions and values and bring more integrity into our lives.

Let’s become a better person each day!


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